Your cat and a toddler are practically one and the same. Both can go from cuddly to biting you, then back to affection in a second, and neither makes decisions on going inside or outside of a room but demands you open the door anyway. And it doesn’t stop there!

When it comes to heirlooms, lamps, and anything you love — if it’s on the table or a counter — it is fair game to watch fall. And both are ready to do it again. And you’ll never get mad because they’re too cute and sweet to be at fault. 

The same goes for eating. Neither wants the food in front of them, but they’ll chase down an insect and put it in their mouths or eat everything but their food. And about making a mess: the minute you clean a carpet or wash your bed, they decide their stomach is upset. And, of course, an easy-to-clean hardwood floor will not make it easier.

Speaking of messes, there’s bath time. You can try all the toys in the world, but bath time is not a fun time. It is always a “splash” and dash situation, so they have that in common.

When it comes to unpredictability, toddlers and cats are tied. One second, they’re hugging you and making soft noises, then they bite and slap you. But before you can realize what happened, they’re back to being your precious angel. Both have a sixth sense when you have a work call, lay down for a quick nap, or finally have a moment of “me time” that becomes their time.

Sleeping all day is their right, so they both get the zoomies in the middle of the night. And when it comes to playtime, the boxes are better than the toys, leaving you wondering why you keep buying more and not just order yourself something nice and give them the box instead.

But at the end of the day, nothing beats the joy, affection, and love of your little ones. That’s why many parents — even with the stress — realize their toddlers are their emotional support. And why many people have their furry friends registered as emotional support animals. Whether you’re a pet parent or have a human baby, there’s nothing better in the world.

Turn your pet into an ESA by getting an ESA letter from a licensed professional in your state online

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