When individuals think of service or emotional support animals, they often associate them with dogs or cats. Dogs are the most common service animals because they are specifically trained to perform a job for an individual with a disability. It is important not to confuse service animals with emotional support animals. Service animals (dogs and miniature horses) require specialized training and are afforded more federal rights because they are not pets. Service animals perform specific tasks that their disabled handlers cannot perform. Under federal law, service animals must be allowed to accompany their handlers wherever the general public is allowed to go. Emotional support animals are not required to have any specialized training or certifications but provide therapeutic help to their handlers. Emotional support animals are not protected under the ADA and therefore do not have the same rights as service animals. Instead, emotional support animals are protected under the Fair Housing ActWhile service animals are restricted to dogs and miniature horses, there are no restrictions on what type of animal can be an emotional support animal, including birds.

Emotional Support Animals

Emotional support animals provide individuals with psychiatric or physical disabilities the companionship and emotional support they need to help them navigate daily activities. Emotional support animals do not require any specialized training or certification. There are no restrictions on what animals can be an emotional service animal, only that the animal provides the emotional support an individual requires to live their life. Some of the most common emotional support animals include:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Horses
  • Rabbits
  • Guinea Pigs
  • Reptiles
  • Birds

How to Get an ESA Letter for my Bird

To qualify a bird as an emotional support animal, you must first have an ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional. The ESA letter should be written on the medical professional’s official letterhead and include their licensing information, the date the letter was written, and information about the client’s need for an emotional support animal. You can either seek support from a local medical professional or find one online.

Click the image below to start your ESA process onlineThree easy steps to get an ESA letter with ESA Doctors

Emotional Support Birds

Birds make excellent emotional support animals because they show high levels of empathy. Some species like parrots and parakeets can learn phrases and words that can help them work with their handlers during specific episodes. Birds can sense emotional triggers, including anger, stress, tension, and distress, and can provide the emotional support their handler needs to help calm them down before they experience an emotional episode. Listed below are some reasons birds make excellent emotional support animals:


Unlike other animals, birds do not require their handlers to take them outside to walk or use the bathroom. Having to take their support animal out can become inconvenient for handlers depending on their disability, where birds live in cages that can be easily cleaned and do not need to leave the cage to use the bathroom.


Birds are exceptionally intelligent and can learn words and phrases that they can use to help soothe their handler before or during an emotional episode. Speaking to an emotional support bird and having them respond can be extremely comforting and helps their handler feel more connected and supported.


Birds are relatively small in size, making them easier to care for and accommodate. Birds do not require a lot of space, making it easier to find suitable housing for both the bird and the handler. Since the bird can eat, drink, and use the bathroom in their cage, they do not require as much care as other animals.


Individuals that require emotional support animals can experience issues when trying to travel, but individuals with birds as emotional support animals tend to have an easier time because the birds can be put in a cage. In addition to already being secured in a cage, birds are smaller and need less space making it more convenient to accommodate them.


Since emotional support animals do not require any specialized training, some animals have reputations for being aggressive, whether the service animal itself is extremely well behaved. Due to this stereotyping, an individual with these types of animals may have a harder time traveling and housing. Since birds do not show this type of aggression and can be secured in a cage handler, they tend to have an easier time with housing and travel.

ESA Rights for Emotional Support Birds

Emotional support birds have certain rights under the Fair Housing Act and the Air Carrier Access Act.

Emotional support birds have certain rights under the Fair Housing Act.

While emotional support animals do not have as many rights as service animals, they have specific rights involving housing by the Fair Housing Act. The only documentation an individual with an emotional support bird is required to show an ESA letter. Registration of an ESA is not required by the law to qualify for the bird as an emotional support animal. To see if you qualify for an ESA letter, complete the ESA questionnaire in the link below.

Qualify for an ESA Letter for your Bird Today


Get the Love and Support you deserve!