If you suffer from a mental or emotional health condition, such as anxiety, depression, or certain phobias, you may benefit from an emotional support animal (ESA). Emotional support animals are protected by federal law in every state, and some states have enacted their own laws giving ESA owners additional protection.
In this post, we will cover the difference between a service animal, psychiatric service dog, and emotional support animal pertaining to Massachusetts residents.
If you are in Massachusetts and are looking to qualify for an ESA letter from a Massachusetts licensed mental health professional, you can get started by completing the questionnaire at the link below.
Living with an Emotional Support Animal in Massachusetts

Unlike service dogs, emotional support animals are not individually trained to help the owner by performing a particular task. The animal is there to give comfort and support and help alleviate certain symptoms of mental health disorders like anxiety or depression. Service animals must be dogs, but emotional support animals can be any small, domesticated animal (i.e., dogs, cats, rodents, birds, reptiles, etc.).
Federal housing laws protect owners of emotional support animals. Like all states, Massachusetts must follow the rules laid out by the Fair Housing Act and the U.S. Department of Housing. Under these rules, landlords and building owners/managers must make reasonable accommodations for folks that need an emotional support animal. This includes buildings that are deemed as “no pets” buildings. Emotional support animals are also exempt from breed/size restrictions and having to pay additional pet rental fees and pet deposits.
In Massachusetts, emotional support animals are not considered pets, so many pet rules and limitations do not apply to emotional support animals. Landlords are entitled to see documented proof that your animal is an emotional support animal before accommodating your ESA. In the next section, we will discuss what documentation is sufficient for this purpose.
What Proof Do I Need for an ESA in Massachusetts?
When it comes to having an emotional support animal, the owner must provide documentation that their animal is needed for a mental health condition and not “just a pet.”
This proof comes in a note or letter from a licensed healthcare professional, commonly known as an ESA letter. An ESA letter contains a licensed healthcare’s determination of whether you have a mental health disability that requires the assistance of an emotional support animal. The letter must be written by a licensed professional and signed and dated on their letterhead.
The letter should also contain their contact and licensing information. If you live in Massachusetts, you should use a licensed healthcare professional licensed for the State of Massachusetts. If you would like help from a Massachusetts healthcare professional that specializes in ESA recommendations and works remotely, just click on the link below to get started.
Click here to qualify for your ESA letter with a Massachusetts licensed therapist.
Flying to and from Massachusetts with an ESA

Prior to 2021, emotional support animals were allowed to board flights free of charge. However, that all changed when the U.S. Department of Transportation revised its rules for assistance animals on flights. Due to these regulatory changes, U.S. airlines no longer recognize emotional support animals on flights.
Under these new travel rules, the only mental health-related assistance animals allowed on flights are psychiatric service dogs (PSDs). Psychiatric service dogs perform tasks relating to the handler’s mental health disability. If you own a PSD, you can still board the cabin of flights free of charge, and your dog will not be subject to the same size restrictions applicable to normal pets.
If you are interested in qualifying for a PSD letter, you can connect with a licensed healthcare professional by clicking the link below.

Get your Psychiatric Service Dog Letter Now
Is a Service Animal the Same as an Emotional Support Animal?
A psychiatric service dog is not the same as an emotional support animal. Although they frequently help individuals with similar mental health conditions, a PSD must be fully trained to perform a task relating to the handler’s disability. In contrast, an emotional support animal does not need specialized training to perform its role as an assistance animal. PSDs must also be trained to accompany their handlers in public environments and be under the handler’s control at all times.
Both PSDs and ESAs have the right to stay in no-pets housing, but PSDs have additional access rights. For example, PSDs can board airplanes while emotional support animals cannot. In addition, PSDs can only be trained dogs, while emotional support animals can be a wide variety of animals.
Get your Massachusetts ESA letter today.
Get the Love and Support you deserve.
Hi..I know I qualify for ESA but what happens if I have no one to care for it if I need to go to the hospital for medical reasons..I am 66yo.I am in Pittsfield MA
You are allowed to leave your emotional support animal in the care of a loved one or dog sitter while you need to visit the hospital or attend to other errands. There is no rule that says an ESA has to be at your side 24-7, and that would in fact be impossible for most ESA owners who have jobs or attend school. Please see this article for more details: https://esadoctors.com/can-i-leave-an-esa-at-home-unattended/
My daughter has PTSD, anxiety & struggles with coping skills to settle herself. Would she qualify for an ESA & what could the benefits be for her having it?
It sounds like your daughter could be a great candidate for an emotional support animal, but only a licensed healthcare professional could confirm that for her and write an ESA letter. ESAs have tremendous health benefits for people with PTSD and anxiety. They can provide a sense of safety and comfort during times of distress.
I have a chronic anxiety disorder that has prevented me from driving, crossing streets, etc on my own and sometimes even when others. Would this qualify me for a PSD or ESA?
Whether you qualify for an ESA or a PSD largely depends on whether the dog is needed to perform a job or task relating to a disability. If not, it is more likely an emotional support animal which does not require specialized training.
My wife has Alzheimer’s diagnosed after a PET scan at McLean’s Hospital. Is this considered an eligible condition for a psychiatric service dog?
To qualify for a psychiatric service dog, the handler must have a condition that is considered a disability under ADA rules. A disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that “substantially limits one or more major life activities.” For more information on PSD eligibility, please see this post: https://esadoctors.com/how-to-get-a-psychiatric-service-dog-letter/
Hi! This may be silly but this thread was super helpful so I wanted to ask! My therapist will write a letter for my bunny, who provides comfort to me in so many ways! (He used to go to therapy with me. My question is – if I buy a bubble backpack where he is enclosed; am I allowed to bring him with me into stores, etc? He’s pretty mobile and comes with me on adventures here and there. He’s aging now so I’d love to be able to spend more time with him if I have errands to do, etc etc. I know the rules differ and I want to make sure that I’m respecting them all around. Thanks for any insight/ suggestions!
Unfortunately, having an ESA letter does not give you the right to bring your ESA into stores. Emotional Support Animals generally only have rights when it comes to housing.
Is a letter all you need for an ESA or do you have to prove that the animal has been trained to be an ESA?
An ESA letter is the only way to qualify for an ESA letter. ESAs do not require any type of specialized training.
Are landlords allowed to deny a person an apartment for having an emotional support animal?
How do I make my dog a service dog?
I live in Massachusetts.
There are a few reasons a landlord can reject an ESA. For example, if the landlord determines the ESA poses a safety or health risk to other tenants. Service dogs are not the same as emotional support animals. ESAs require a letter of recommendation from a licensed healthcare professional. Service dogs must be trained to perform tasks related to a disability.
I’m looking to make my cat an emtional support animal. I have mental health problems but im currently not able to see a licensed professional. Will this site provide me with a Massachusetts licensed health professional?
Yes! We can help connect you to a professional licensed for Massachusetts. You can get started here: https://esadoctors.com/esa-questionnaire/
Im looking to make my dog my emotional support dog. My mom gave her to me at a time I was still self harming. I currently see a psychiatrist for my mental health. I was wondering if possible for me to make my dog an emotional support dog through this website
If your psychiatrist is unable to help you with qualifying for an ESA, we can certainly help connect you to a licensed professional that specializes in ESA qualifications. You can get started here: https://esadoctors.com/esa-questionnaire/