Are you finding it difficult to work up the courage to ask your doctor about an emotional support animal? You’re not alone. Many people feel embarrassed about bringing up the subject or fear being rejected or judged.

If you don’t feel comfortable asking your primary caregiver or therapist, we can help with our secure, private, and comfortable online process with a licensed professional for your state. They’re experienced with people with your needs and never judge.

Here are steps to take for how to ask a doctor or therapist for an ESA letter:

  1. Schedule an appointment with your doctor
    Schedule an appointment as you normally would. Prepare what you want to say to your doctor beforehand to alleviate any nerves during your consultation.
  2. Share openly about your condition
    Inform your doctor about the emotional or mental difficulties you’re experiencing, and explain how your pet significantly aids you in managing these challenges.
  3. Ask your doctor if they can write you an ESA letter
    Inform your doctor that an ESA letter would help you keep your emotional support animal to support your mental health by giving you access to no-pet apartments, and exemption from pet deposit and monthly pet fees.
  4. Turn to, if needed
    If your doctor can’t write an ESA letter for you or says no, try using ESA Doctors. They’ll connect you to a therapist who understands the therapeutic benefits of emotional support animals. 

Start your assessment

If you want to ask your doctor for an ESA letter, but you’re unsure about what to say, here are a few talking points you can use to broach the subject:

  • “I’ve been reading a lot about how emotional support animals can really support mental health. I was wondering if that is something you could help with.”
  • “I’ve been having a hard time with my mental health lately, and I think an emotional support animal could make a big difference. I was wondering if you could help me with an ESA letter.”
  • “I want to move into a new building that doesn’t allow for dogs unless they’re an emotional support animal. My dog is a lifeline for my depression/anxiety/panic attacks. Could you help me qualify for an ESA?”
  • “We previously talked about my mental health issues and possible treatments. I’m not responding well to them so far. I do know that animals make me feel better. Is an ESA letter something you can give me?”
How to Ask a Doctor for an Emotional Support Animal Letter

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My Doctor Won’t Write an ESA Letter For Me

You still have options to get an ESA letter when your doctor or therapist doesn’t write one:

  • Try finding a local therapist that specializes in emotional support animals.
  • Save time and money by using an online service like ours where we connect you with a licensed mental health professional in your state who does this work.

By using an online service like ours, you won’t have to spend time talking to doctors you have never met about needing a letter, reducing any stress or concerns you have about sharing your situation with strangers. Each healthcare professional we work with understands the value ESAs bring to their owners. They will work with you through online evaluations.

Ready to see if you qualify? Click on the link below to get started today.

Need help? We can help! Get started here

Who else other than your doctor can you ask for an ESA Letter?

According to guidelines from the U.S. Department of Housing, an emotional support animal letter must come from a “licensed healthcare professional.”

That includes the following providers:

  • psychiatrists
  • psychologists
  • clinical social workers
  • physicians
  • nurses, nurse practitioners
  • physician’s assistants
  • licensed counselors

A primary care physician can technically write an ESA letter, but keep in mind that most ESA letters are not from doctors.

ESA Doctors website on laptop has been working with people like you for the last decade.
We will help you through every step of the process.

Get your Emotional Support Animal Letter Today

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Get the Love and Support you deserve.