Is My Emotional Support Dog Legal?

Is My Emotional Support Dog Legal? Confusion as to the legality of Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) or Emotional Support Dogs (ESDs) abound due to misinformation and incorrect stories about mishandling and exploitation.  But the fact is, there really are people who need comfort p [...]

2024-03-15T10:08:53+00:00ESA Laws|

Allowing Pets in College Dorms

Pets in College Dorms Universities have the obligation to admit emotional support animals into school housing and dorms. The housing board must allow emotional support animals access to provide therapy for people through affection and companionship as a form of reasonable accommo [...]

2024-03-20T19:38:25+00:00College Dorms, Housing|

Emotional Support Animal Requirements

Emotional Support Animal Requirements If you think that having a card for an emotional support animal (ESA) translates to a right to take your pet anywhere, think again. That card merely says that your pet has been registered in some database of pet owners who have the money to p [...]

2024-04-24T20:03:05+00:00ESA Laws|
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