ESA Doctors

ESA Doctors


The ESA Doctors writing team is a group of passionate emotional support animal advocates with extensive experience in mental healthcare, disability law, animal training, and pet health. Many of the authors are proud emotional support animal parents and are sharing their knowledge based on both personal and professional experience. Our content is fact checked by ESA experts and peer reviewed before publishing to help ensure you’re getting the best possible information no matter where you land. We’re here to provide useful content to keep you and your emotional support animal happy, healthy, and protected. Don’t see a topic covered? Send your request to and we’ll consider it for our next publication. That’s our commitment to you as dedicated members of the ESA community.

Latest from ESA Doctors

Ohio Emotional Support Animal Laws

This article was last updated on April 18, 2024, to reflect Ohio’s latest laws. Curious about Ohio’s emotional support animal laws? This guide will cover information about your rights and legal obligations as an ESA owner in Ohio.  ESA Rights in Ohio Ohio Administrative Code [...]

2024-09-19T21:13:44+00:00ESA Laws, State|

Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

Tomatoes are safe for dogs to eat when they are ripe and red. The actual ripened tomato fruit is considered non-toxic and contains multiple dog-healthy nutrients, including potassium, vitamins A and C, and fiber. Ripe and red are the keys to knowing when a tomato is safe for dogs [...]

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