Many of us struggle in today’s busy world. We may feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or even depressed. These emotions are normal occasionally and often pass within days or even hours. However, if you experience persistent negative feelings that hinder your daily activities, it’s best to seek help.
If you enjoy the company of animals and have the means to support one, part of your road to wellness may be to enlist the aid of an emotional support animal.
Read on to find out how to find a therapist who can write an ESA letter, which is the only document you’ll need to turn your pet into an ESA.
Already convinced an emotional support animal would help your mental health? Just fill out the questionnaire using the link below, and we’ll connect you with a licensed mental health pro who can help you out.
How Do I Find a Therapist Near Me for an ESA Letter?
Option 1: If you don’t currently have a therapist, you can try asking your general practitioner for a referral or contacting your health insurance carrier to find providers that are in-network. Your GP can help assess your mental health needs and direct you to the type of therapist you could most benefit from (e.g., a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, counselor, etc.). You can also search for local therapists online using a directory for mental health professionals.
Option 2: Many people, unfortunately, do not have a doctor or therapist to turn to. Or their existing therapist doesn’t write ESA letters. If you’re having trouble finding someone who handles ESA letters, your best option is to use a service provider like ESA Doctors. ESA Doctors saves you the time and headache of finding someone qualified to write ESA letters.
ESA Doctors works with independent healthcare professionals licensed for your state. These professionals specialize in ESA letters so you can get the exact help you need. Best of all, the entire process is handled remotely, so you never have to make any in-person office visits.
Therapists That Can Write ESA Letters
To have a legitimate emotional support animal, you need to get a letter from a licensed mental health professional. These include:
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
- Licensed professional counselors
- Clinical social workers
- Nurses
- Marriage and Family Therapist
- Physicians
The licensed mental health professional will assess your condition to see if you meet the criteria for an emotional support animal under ESA laws.
Common conditions that qualify for an ESA include depression, anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD.
Click here to get started on qualifying for your ESA letter.
What to Expect During Your ESA Evaluation
Feeling anxious about meeting with a therapist to discuss an ESA letter? That’s perfectly normal. Most people aren’t sure what information they’ll need to share or how the process works.
Your mental health professional will want to get a picture of how your emotional challenges are affecting your day-to-day life. They’ll ask about things like trouble sleeping, difficulty at work, relationship struggles, or problems handling everyday tasks. Don’t worry about having the “right answers” — just be honest about your experiences and why you think having an animal companion would help.
The therapist needs to determine if your situation meets the criteria for an ESA letter. This means figuring out if you have a mental health condition that significantly impacts your life and whether having an animal around would genuinely help you cope. They might ask about treatments you’ve tried before and how well they worked for you. Remember, they’re not trying to judge you or make things difficult – they just need to make sure an ESA is truly a good fit for your specific needs.

The advent of online remote mental health services has been a game-changer for those afflicted with mental illnesses. Before, finding the right professional for an ESA letter could feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.
With ESA Doctors, it’s never been easier to connect with a compassionate mental health professional knowledgeable about emotional support animals and can provide you with a legitimate ESA letter.
Connect with a professional licensed for your state:
Get the Love and Support you deserve!

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Hi I have a question, if my landlord is asking to call the health professional that provided with the letter to verify, can esadoctor be able to handle this?
If you use our service you will work directly with a licensed healthcare professional. That licensed provider will be able to answer any landlord inquiries about your ESA letter.
I need a doctor/therapist to sign a verification form for my need of an ESA , my GP lives a state away and my therapist no longer takes my insurance so they won’t do it. Can one of the ESA doctors do so?
Yes, the LMHPs we work with will stand by their letters and verify them with landlords. To get started, please click here:
Will certification of my support animal protect me if my landlord owns one house and is not using a real estate professional? Or is that exception final ?
Landlords who rent a single family home without the use of an agent are exempt from HUD’s requirements. However, your state may have its own ESA rules that cover you. In addition, many landlords will accommodate ESAs even if they don’t technically have to as a courtesy.
Does the ESA Professional writing the letters have to be licensed in the state I live in?
Yes, the mental health professional that is evaluating your need for an ESA and recommending an ESA must be properly licensed in your state. That is one way to differentiate legitimate providers of ESA letters online from scam services. ESA Doctors will always match clients with LMHPs that are currently licensed in their state.
I Have a question: Are there any laws that state my ESA doctor has to be from the same city or “area” where I live? Can the doctor/licensed therapist live within the same state as me? What do I do if the property management wants a letter from a doctor who lives in my “area” when I have a letter from a licensed therapist who lives in my state?
Your property manager cannot dictate where your LMHP resides, especially if they are within the state your are residing in.
Are there any laws that state my ESA doctor has to be from the same city or “area” where I live? Can the doctor/licensed therapist live within the same state as me? What do I do if the property management wants a letter from a doctor who lives in my “area” when I have a letter from a licensed therapist who lives in my state?
How do I find an emotional support dog fully trained so that I can buy their ID and ESA letter along with them? Please help. Pressing matter.
Finding a fully trained dog may be difficult and/or expensive, but it is possible. If you do not have the funds for a fully trained dog, you can find a great support animal at your local shelter or rescue.
You can’t be sure that they won’t discriminate against you. Some people do not indicate their need for an ESA until after they have completed the leasing agreement.
I dont want to be discriminated against . How can I answer the question, IS MY DOG within weight limitations?
Emotional support dogs cannot be denied due to their age, weight, or breed. You can submit your ESA letter to your landlord and explain this to them.