Yes, you can actually get approved for an emotional support animal completely online, and HUD’s housing rules back that if you ever run into a skeptic. According to HUD, online healthcare professionals are just as legit as the ones you visit in an office, as long as they’re licensed and have actually evaluated your suitability for an emotional support animal. That means you can get an ESA letter online without ever leaving your home, just like you can get a prescription for medication these days with a telehealth appointment.
In this article, we’ll explain how you can use an online service to get an ESA letter and answer why an ESA letter from a remote therapist is just as good as one obtained in person.
Who are online ESA letters good for?
For many people, accessing mental health services in person presents significant challenges. Those with demanding work schedules, heavy academic commitments, or family caregiving responsibilities often find it difficult to schedule and travel to in-person appointments. Physical mobility limitations, anxiety disorders, or specific phobias can also make traditional office visits challenging.
Online services provide a convenient alternative if you want to qualify for an emotional support animal. Licensed mental health professionals now routinely offer remote evaluations, allowing you to connect with qualified therapists regardless of location or scheduling constraints.
This shift toward telehealth services gained momentum during the COVID-19 pandemic when in-person interactions became limited. However, the convenience and accessibility of online mental health services have proven valuable well beyond the pandemic, creating lasting changes in how people access care.
Remote ESA evaluations erase many barriers to mental health support, offering:
- Flexible scheduling options
- No travel or transportation concerns
- Comfortable evaluations from familiar surroundings
- Reduced anxiety compared to office visits
- Quicker access to qualified professionals
Online support offers a way to help some of the most vulnerable members of our society — the ones that often most need the help of an emotional support animal.

I’ve read that ESA letters obtained online are not valid, is that true?
If any website is selling you an ESA letter or a certification or registration without the involvement of a licensed healthcare professional, then it is likely not valid. Items like identification cards or vests will also not by themselves give you ESA rights. Under federal housing rules and air travel rules, a pet can only be qualified as an emotional support animal with a letter from a licensed healthcare professional.
Our technology platform connects you to a remote therapist who is licensed for your state. We don’t issue ESA letters ourselves — ESA Doctors is a tech-driven platform that conveniently connects you to an independent professional. Our company is about bringing together clients and ESA specialists who are looking for each other. If you want additional information on what makes an ESA letter legitimate, check out this article.

Is an ESA letter from an online therapist just as good as one from an in-person therapist?
If the right procedures are followed, yes. If the remote therapist is a licensed healthcare professional and provides you with an ESA letter after considering your mental health needs, that letter should be just as valid as a letter obtained through an in-person visit. In fact, the U.S. Department of Housing has recognized the critical role that remote therapists play in helping tenants with mental or emotional disabilities.
If you qualify for an ESA letter, the licensed health care professionals who work with us will provide a signed letter that includes their contact and licensing information. An ESA letter obtained through a remote professional will contain the same necessary information that an in-person professional would provide. Your landlord will also be able to verify the letter and confirm the therapist’s licensing information.

Okay, I’m ready to seek help from a licensed professional, how does this work?
To get started, you can click on the link below, and we will connect you to a licensed professional in your state. The therapist you are connected to will help determine whether an emotional support animal is right for you. If you qualify, the licensed professional will issue an ESA letter to you, which you can present to your landlord.
If you’ve been thinking that an emotional support animal might help your condition, but you don’t have a therapist or are having difficulty finding one that does ESA letters, help can be just a click away.
Get the Support you need today!
Hi, does this apply to UK residents too?
Unfortunately the UK does not have the same ESA rules that we have in the United States.
What if my college requires specific documents signed by a counselor?
Colleges often impose additional demands on students who request ESAs. Under HUD guidelines, additional forms other than an ESA letter are not allowed to be requested, but colleges frequently do so anyway.
What is the cost for this process? Straight answer pease.
You can find our pricing plan at this link:
Please, I need an ESA letter.
If you’re interested in an ESA and looking to be connected with a licensed healthcare professional, you can get started here: